Nalandabodhi Mahayana Study Curriculum
Paramitas, Path, and Fruition, MAH 306
Starting Wednesday, November 6
Nalandabodhi Colorado is pleased to announce the next Mahayana curriculum class. Mahayana 306 is the last course in the series of mahayana courses. The course is entitled Paramitas, Path and Fruition.
Course topics include the 10 paramitas, the 5 paths, the 10 Bhumis, the 3 kayas and how to transcend delusion and realize Ultimate Wisdom.
This class will be presented with an eye to increasing our understanding of the topics so we can have an overview that furthers our progress on the path.
Class starts on Wednesday, November 6 and continues for 6 weeks.
The time is 6:00 to 7:30 pm MT.
Cost is $50 for members and $60 for non members.
Class is open to the public with the understanding that this is the last of 6 courses that build on each other. If you have question about whether this is right for you contact Steve Burden at the email below.
Texts should be purchased at the Nalandabodhi bookstore.
This is a great class aimed at practicing students to help them along the path.
Questions may be directed to Steve Burden at
Please come and join in this quite profound and beautiful course.