Nalandabodhi is offering the Nalandabodhi curriculum class on Buddha Nature, entitled “Discovering our Buddha Heart” (Mah305 in the study curriculum).
This wonderful class explains the seven Vajra points of Buddha Nature and discusses the terms Tathagatagarbha and Gotra in detail. Class topics include “Buddha Heart, Mahamudra Mind”, Changeless Luminosity” and “Emerging from the Lotus.”
This is a beautiful and profound look at the good news of our Buddha Nature, and how it is a inspiration to practice and study.
Class will be on Zoom only and starts on Wednesday, September 11, from 6:00 – 7:30 MT. We will have 6 sessions and they will be recorded if people miss one.
Prior study is highly recommended. Contact Steve Burden if you have a question,
Cost will be $50 for members of Nalandabodhi and $60 for the public. Financial aid is available, please contact Steve Burden at
Texts may be purchased at the Nalandabodhi bookstore.